

Appraisal Ops

AIMS provide appraisal independence management tools to regain safe and sound business controls related to appraisal operations.

AIMS Industry Resources

AIMSdashboard takes great pride in remaining cognizant of compliance and regulatory changes, industry updates, and news.  Visit this section for regularly updated news feeds, articles, and industry resources.

GSE Web sites and Information

Appraisal Fee Schedules/Surveys

Blogs and Information

Federal and State Regulatory Material

State and US Territory Appraisal Independence Laws/Standards

Consumer Complaint Reference Lists

Email and ISP Postmaster Links

Valuation Models

Good Efforts

AIMSdashboard, LLC

321 W Rosemary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Telephone: (888) 217-9295 Toll Free

© AIMSdashboard. 2014