Appraisal Ops |
About AIMSdashboard and Fact SheetCompany Fact Sheet AIMSdashboard “Boilerplate”: AIMSdashboard runs an online appraisal independence management system, AIMS, enabling mortgage lenders to achieve independent collateral valuations while maintaining business controls and direct relationships with appraisers. Organizations use AIMS as a collateral valuation workflow framework to:
AIMS strengthens appropriate direct professional relationships within the mortgage industry, such as those between appraisers and lenders while it supports the development of high quality collateral valuations (appraisals), important to mortgage investors and borrowers alike. AIMS is a residential real estate Appraisal Independence Management System. AIMSdashboard is not an AMC. We are a software company. AIMS restores the appraiser approval and selection criteria to the lender, and provides real-time updates to the origination network as the appraiser completes the appraisal. Company formed in 2008. Current Release: AIMS 4.7.8 AIMS clients span the variety of entity types within the Mortgage Industry: Brokerage Firms, Correspondent Lenders, Wholesale Lenders, Mortgage Lenders, and Depository Institutions. Software licensing is use based (transaction based) to align costs with usage. Application access is strictly associated with the individual through the use of identity management credentials. Brokers can use a single ePortal interface with all of their "upstream" lenders using AIMS. The appraiser community is an AIMS user group.
AIMS proactively generates subject-property-specific appraisal independence certificates that provide a detailed accounting of the events that transpired during the Appraisal Request Cycles (ARCs). The AIMSdb, the data engine for AIMS, has all the active appraisers in the US within the system, including State Licensed, State Certified Residential, and State Certified General appraisers as verified against the federal register. Geographic competency is a key tenant of the system. AIMS requires at least one geographic competency metric match for any given appraiser candidate and one residence type competency match. Additional geographic competency policies are configured by the lender, and enforced through the AIMS application. AIMS tracks changes made to approved appraiser lists, exclusionary appraiser lists, competency approvals, service area approvals, and other changes made concerning appraiser candidate selection structures. A variety of proactive audit reports provide accountability and documentation of policy related actions within the system. AIMS complies with the updated TILA, IFR, FIRREA, and GSE revisions introduced as components of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. |